6 Reasons you are not Catching Big Fish while Fishing in Melbourne

If you are reading this blog, it implies you are an ardent lover of fishing and would love to learn and explore the various fishing techniques that can help you catch the best fish in the water. Fishing in Melbourne doesn't necessarily need to own a boat. You can simply hire the one of your choice on the day when you and your close ones decide to have a fishing day. 

So, arranging the boat for you is not at all a point of concern. But, if you are keen on grabbing some good fish from the water, here are some mistakes that you might be making. Check and ensure that next time you go  fishing, you are not repeating them:

1. You are not losing sleep

You need to go fishing at particular times to ensure you end up catching the ones you wished for. A few times a season, usually during the spring or fall, different types of fish collide in, resulting in an all-out feeding frenzy in broad daylight. 

2. You are not fishing with fresh bait

It is convenient to use frozen bait. Avoid direct contact with fresh water or ice. Contact your company from where you are planning to hire your boat and confirm that the bait is fresh enough. 

3. You are not fishing deep

The bigger fish generally feed on the bottom. You need to go a bit deeper in case you are fascinated towards catching the big ones. 

4. You are not fine with skunking

To catch a big fish, culling through the smaller ones is not a good idea. Fishing for the big requires sacrificing quantity for quality. 

5. You are not checking your tackle

Big fish get away more often than small fish. There are plenty of ways that a big fish can escape so it is important that you don't give it any more of an advantage than it already has, while fishing in Melbourne. 

6. You are not keeping a log

It doesn't matter what type of fish you are looking for, keeping a log of your trips will help you dial in the conditions and locations that has big fish.

There may be many other reasons why you are not able to catch the big fish. Well, it is recommended that the company you are resorting to for renting your boat should be asked thoroughly about the waters and types of fish that they tend to catch. They are experts so can even guide you with some of the interesting fishing techniques. 

If you are in search of one such proficient company, Bluey's Boat Hire should be your ultimate pick. The professional and friendly members over here can give you all the tips and tricks to have a wonderful day out while fishing in Melbourne. Our team is fully trained with all the things on water where you will meet boat experts who will supply you with Bait tackle as well as refreshments for your big day on water. So, are you ready to plan you water day out? We, at Bluey's Boat Hire, definitely are!


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